YAM TALK: Pamela Burnard

Pamela Burnard er Professor of Arts, Creativities and Educations ved utdanningsfakultetet på Cambridge universitet. Hun har publisert 20 bøker og over 100 artikler som fremmer teorier om flere kreativiteter på tvers av utdanningssektorene, inkludert tidlige år, barne-, ungdoms- og videregående skole, høyere utdanning og hele veien til kreative og kulturelle næringer.  Hun er medredaktør for tidsskriftet Thinking Skills and Creativity. Nåværende prosjekter: ‘Choices, Chances and Transitions around Creative Further and Higher Education’, ‘Diversifying Compositional Creativity using AI’, ‘Sculpting New Creativities in Primary Education’, og en meta-analyse av den kulminative innvirkningen av ‘Contemporary Urban Musics for Inclusion Networks’ (CUMIN). Hun er Stipendiat ved Royal Society of Arts (RSA) og Chartered College of Teaching, UK. 

Pamela Burnard is Professor of Arts, Creativities and Educations at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge. She has published widely with 20 books and over 100 articles which advance the theory of multiple creativities across education sectors including early years, primary, secondary, further and higher education, through to creative and cultural industries. She is co-editor of the journal Thinking Skills and Creativity. Current funded projects include ‘Choices, Chances and Transitions around Creative Further and Higher Education’; ‘Diversifying Compositional Creativity using AI’; ‘Sculpting New Creativities in Primary Education’; and a meta-analysis of the culminative impact of ‘Contemporary Urban Musics for Inclusion Networks’ (CUMIN). She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA) and the Chartered College of Teaching, UK.